Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Three haiga (painting with a haiku poem)

These are haiga, painting/drawing with a haiku poem.
I don't write a lot of haiku, but like haigas (not all, but some are really interesting).

Initially I made two haigas for a competition on DeviantArt ("Young Ancient Portrait" and "Busy worker bee"). Later I also made another one: "In a timeless place (Dancing muse)".

Here they are (clicking on them sends you on the respective DeviantArt page):

Hope you like them!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Skllaveria e njerezve

"Skllaveria e njerezve"

E pashe te jepte urdhera
Ne fushen e betejes
Skllaverine e njerezve -
Te paguaje per dy palet
E te jete me te dyja
Mos luftoje per asnjeren
Dhe nese ishte lufte
Proteste, revolucion
Nje grup apo nje tjeter
Populli, qeveria
Kur thirren per 'liri'
Kur thirren 'drejtesi'
Dhe shume per skllaverine
E skllaverise se njerezve
Ta futin ne nje burg
Perjete - apo ta vrasin
Pastaj te shihnin vetem
Nje rezultat takimi
Prape te dalin jashte
Skllever te skllaverise

    - - -

E pashe ne nje fjalim
Perballe nje turme te madhe
Skllaverine e njerezve -
Te paguaje per dy palet
E te jete me te dyja
Njekohesisht pa asnjeren
Nese ishte e majte
Qender a e djathte
Cfardo ngjyre te kishin
Tere partite e ndryshme
Kur thirren per ndryshim
Per dite me te mira
Drejtesi dhe ligje
Te drejtat e njeriut
Te mbajtura duke hequr
Skllaverine e mbetur
Sigurisht, genjeshter -
Me nje rendese me teper
Principal dhe interes
Pagese per skllaverine

    - - -
E pashe ne nje kopertine
Ne revisten e zhvillimit
Skllaverine e njerezve -
Te paguaje kerkimin
Te paguaje per shkencat
Pa bere vete asnjeren
Te marre shumice fitimi
Pak te leje per masat
(Si ajo duan te jene
E i marrin autograf)
Thirrje per para
Bast me gjithcka kane
Ne nje skeme komplekse
Dhene nga nje llogjike
Fshehur neper libra
Paguar nga edukimi
Kontroll skllaverie
Te mendjeve me te mira
Qe ulen mu ne krye
Te universiteteve
    - - -

E pashe te rrethuar nga shume
Qe e degjonin me vemendje
Skllaverine e njerezve -
Edukimin te paguaje
Mesimin te mbeshtesi
Vete duke zbrazur mendjen
Ta quaje urtesi
Te shkalles me te larte
Mesim me ze te ulet
Mesazhi eshte i larte
Therret per me debat
Per me mirekuptim
Dhe per jo me lufte
Nga ato me arme
Te pranojne ndryshimet
Te ndihmojne te varferit
Te pranojne kete fat
Ne kete bote te deshtuar
Dhe ne nje pergjumje
Te harrojne genjeshtrat

    - - -
E pashe ne nje skene te madhe
(Ndoshta nje stadium)
Skllaverine e njerezve -
Te paguaje per te varferit
E te mbeshtesi njerezit
Pa pyetur per asnjerin
Te kendojne per paqen
Qirinj per perkujtim
Te nje kohe te vjeter
A ideali humbur
Thirrje per debat
Per me shume para
Dhe per nje ndryshim
Per me shume liri
Debati ishte thirrja
Parate gjithmone paguar
Ndryshimi (kujtonin) ishte atje
Liria ne ate thirrje -
Dukshem, s'vinin re
Skllaverine e njerezve
    - - -
E pashe ne nje te ardhme
Dy a tre, a shume
Skllaverine e njerezve -
Te lexojne nje poezi
Te enderrojne ndryshim
Nje kengetar kendon
Ne universitet
Paguar per kete rast
Nga biznesmen i shquar
Politikan i flakte -
Lexojne nje poezi
Dhe mendojne me vete
Secili i pavarur
Dhe kerkojne pergjigje
Permes anarkise -
Thashe t'i paralajmeroj
Ata skllever poezish
Se atje mes tyre
Prape mund te ishte e fshehur
Skllaveria e njerezve

    * * *
E pashe ne nje te ardhme
Te humbur pergjithmone
Skllaverine e njerezve -
Kur s'kishte me as lufte
Dhe as politikane
As biznes qe blen
Edukim dhe kenge
Kur madje kishte ndryshuar
Mendja dhe zemra e njerezve
Dhe skllever s'kishte me -
E quanin parajse
Ku s'kishte me dallime
Ku s'kishte me shfrytezim
Nga njeri ndaj nje tjetri
Nga njeri ndaj te shumteve
Dhe nga te shumte ndaj njerit -
Une kohen nuk e di -
E pashe ne nje te ardhme
Te humbur pergjithmone
Skllaverine e njerzve...




Nese do ishte e mundur, do doja qe kjo poezi te ishte ne gjithe gazetat. Megjithese disi mendim arogant (:D, ^^'>), sido qe te jete eshte ajo qe mendoj per gjendjen e organizimit social (ose ne c'gjendje gjendet njeriu ne pergjithesi), pavaresisht nga si quhet ai (kapitalizem, socializem, komunizem, anarki, etj).

Besoj eshte disi cinike, por shpresoj t'ju pelqeje kjo poezi.

The Slavery of Men

"The slavery of men"

I saw it giving orders
In the field of battle
The slavery of men -
Paying for both sides
Rooting for both sides
And for neither fighting
Whether it was a war
Protest, revolution
One group or another
People or the government
When they called for 'freedom'
And they called for 'righteousness'
And many called for enslaving
The slavery of men
Putting it in a prison
For forever - or killing it
But then the result
Being just a meeting
Coming out again
Slaves of smiling slavery

    - - -

I saw it holding a speech
In front of a large crowd
The slavery of men -
Paying for both sides
Rooting for both sides
And embracing neither
Whether it was left
Center or the right
Whatever color they had
All the different parties
When they called for a change
And for better days
Justice and fair laws
And the rights of men
Upheld by removing
Their remaining slavery
Obviously a lie -
Having more of a burden
Paying back to slavery
Principal and interest

    - - -
I then saw it featured
In the magazine of advancement
The slavery of men -
Paying for research
Rooting for the sciences
Doing itself neither
Getting most of the benefits
A little for the masses
(Desiring to be alike
Asking for an autograph)
Calling for more money
Betting all they have
On some complex scheme
Given all the logic
Hidden in the books
Paid by education
Controlled, too, by slavery
Of the finest minds
Sitting as the president
Of universities

    - - -

I saw it surrounded by many
Listening to it carefully
The slavery of men -
Paying for education
Rooting for more learning
Itself emptying the mind
And calling that wisdom
Of the highest grade
Teaching in a soft voice
Teaching a loud message
Calling for more debate
For more understanding
And for no more fighting
Such as made with weapons
To accept the differences
And to help the needy
To accept the fate
Of this failing world
And in sleepy state
Forget all its lies

    - - -
I saw it in a large stage
(Probably a stadium)
The slavery of men -
Paying for the poor
Rooting for the people
Itself caring for neither
Singing there for peace
Candles lit in memory
Of some fading time
Or some lost ideal
Calling for more debate
Calling for more money
Calling for a change
Calling for more freedom
The debate was the call
The money fully paid
The change (they thought) was there
The freedom in the call -
Obviously, didn't notice
The slavery of men

    - - -
I saw it in a future
Two, or three, or many
The slavery of men -
Of those reading a poem
And dreaming about change
Of some singer singing
In some university
All paid by a famous
Respected businessman
Fighting politician -
Of those reading a poem
Thinking by themselves
Thinking independently
Looking for an answer
Amidst the anarchy -
And I tried to warn them
Slaves of simple poems
That in all those actions
It could still be hiding
The slavery of men

    * * *
I saw it in a future
Forever lost, forgotten
The slavery of men -
And there was no war
And no politicians
No businessmen buying
Songs and education
Then had even changed
Minds and hearts of people
And there were no slaves -
Paradise they called it
And there were no differences
No more exploitation
Of one to another
Of one to the many
Of many to one -
I don't know the time -
I saw it in a future
Forever lost, forgotten
The slavery of men...




If it were possible, I would like this poem to be printed in all major newspapers (really grandiose thinking :D, isn't it? ^^'>). But it really represents my current thinking on the general societal organization (or "human condition" if you prefer), irrespective of its actual representation (whether capitalist, socialist, communist, anarchist, and the like).

I guess it's pretty cynical, but I hope you like it.